We Cannot Return to "Normal" - Law Foundation Stands with Black Lives Matter 

The Law Foundation mourns the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Tony McDade, and every other person killed by police brutality, state-sanctioned violence, and structural racism. We stand in solidarity with our community and call for systemic change that results in us re-imagining and then building a better world. We need equity, and we must permanently end anti-blackness and violence perpetrated against the Black community. 

Our communities do not need a return to "normal." We need long-term, meaningful change of our systems, institutions, policies, and standards of accountability. As allies and advocates, we must engage with and push forward an anti-racist lens to all areas of our society, including housing, health, education, criminal justice and more. 

As a social justice organization, we're committed to increasing access to justice for low-income families and communities of color. As lawyers and legal advocates, we understand that laws are not colorblind. Racist laws are the foundation on which our country was built and they continue to perpetuate racial disparities to this day. This is why race equity is at the core of the Law Foundation's vision. 

Racial equity is the fight of our lifetime. And we must hold ourselves accountable first. We'll be looking at ourselves in the mirror and working to do better.

We demand that local, state, and federal institutions do the same. Because Black Lives Matter. And our laws, policies, and practices must reflect this value.

In solidarity,

Law Foundation of Silicon Valley