How to Support Us

The Law Foundation relies on our generous community of supporters like you to help provide free, life-changing legal services for more than 10,000 people in our region each year.  


Make a safe and secure online one-time or recurring donation. A memorial or tribute is a meaningful way to celebrate someone important to you. Honor your loved ones, friends, and colleagues by donating in their name.

Checks can be made payable to Law Foundation of Silicon Valley and mailed to:

Law Foundation of Silicon Valley
PO BOX 5040
San Jose, CA 95150-5040

For more information on the following, please contact our Development Team at


Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Do twice the good with one donation. Ask your employer about matching your gift and double your impact in your community.


Donations of stock or appreciated securities are a wonderful way to support our mission. And you may avoid long-term capital gains tax and deduct the full market value on your tax return.

DAFs (Donor Advised Funds)

Make a grant or gift from your DAF directly to the Law Foundation (Tax ID #52-1014754). Gifts from Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable or BNY Mellon can be made through DAF Direct. The Law Foundation will receive 100% of the approved grant.

Cy Pres

If you are an attorney or party to a class action in which an unclaimed residue of funds is likely to exist, or defendants’ conduct has made full restitution to the harmed individuals impossible, consider the Law Foundation as a recipient of cy pres funds.


Designating the Law Foundation as a beneficiary of your estate will help sustain and strengthen our impact in the community in years to come. You don't need a large estate to make a gift. Designate us as a beneficiary of your life insurance, IRA, or other retirement account.